Valby Syd

Book parking spaces in advance

With a valid residents parking license and a booking in the Visitors app - you are able to park in the following parking spaces, in Valby Syd.​ You are able to book up to 3 days (72 hours) in 1 booking and have 2 active bookings at a time.

Jobcenter Valby


With Visitors, residents with a residents parking license can book parking spaces at Gammel Køge Landevej 43, for free.

Additional guidance on how to find the parking spaces and a description of which ones you are allowed to park in, is available in the Visitors app.

Please remember that you need a valid Visitors booking.

Jobcenter Valby


With Visitors, residents with a residents parking license can book parking spaces at Gammel Køge Landevej 43, for free.

Additional guidance on how to find the parking spaces and a description of which ones you are allowed to park in, is available in the Visitors app.

Please remember that you need a valid Visitors booking.

Get started

It is fast and easy to get started and get access to more parking spaces.