
Book parking spaces in advance

With a valid residents parking license and a booking in the Visitors app - you are able to park in the following parking spaces, in Nordvest.​ You are able to book up to 3 days (72 hours) in 1 booking and have 2 active bookings at a time.



With Visitors, residents with a residents parking license can book parking spaces at Dortheavej 2, for free.​ Additional guidance on how to find the area is available in the Visitors app.

You can park in any available spot that is not marked with a 'Reserveret' sign.

Please remember that you need a valid Visitors booking.



With Visitors, residents with a residents parking license can book parking spaces at Dortheavej 2, for free.​ Additional guidance on how to find the area is available in the Visitors app.

You can park in any available spot that is not marked with a 'Reserveret' sign.

Please remember that you need a valid Visitors booking.



With Visitors, residents with a residents parking license can book parking spaces at Musvågevej 20, for free.

Additional guidance on how to find the parking garage is available in the Visitors app. ​ The parking spaces can be booked 24/7.

When you enter and exit, you need to enter an access code by the door. The code can be found in the app in the section, ‘Mine parkeringer’, and by then pressing the green button ; 'Åbn p-hus'.

Please remember that you need a valid Visitors booking.



Med Visitors kan borgere med en beboerlicens gratis booke p-pladser på p-arealet, der ligger på Bygmestervej 13-17. I Visitors-appen har du direkte adgang til rutevejledning til p-pladsen.

P-pladserne kan bookes og benyttes 24/7. Frit valg mellem alle de øverste p-pladser. P-kælderen kan ikke benyttes.

Please remember that you need a valid Visitors booking.



With Visitors, residents with a residents parking license can book parking spaces at Bygmestervej 11, for free.​ Additional guidance on how to find the area and where you are allowed to park is available in the Visitors app.

The parking spaces can be booked 24/7.​ You can freely choose from the ground level parking spaces also those covered by small roofs. ​ BE AWARE that it is not allowed to park in the below ground parking garage.

Please remember that you need a valid Visitors booking.

Gråspurvevej parking garage


With Visitors, residents with a residents parking license can book parking spaces at Gråspurvevej, for free. ​ Additional guidance on how to find the parking garage is available in the Visitors app.

The parking spaces can be booked 24/7. ​ You can park in any available spot that is not marked with a 'Reserveret' sign.

Please remember that you need a valid Visitors booking.

Get started

It is fast and easy to get started and get access to more parking spaces.